The project will be carried out at the premises of Pitstop Training Sheffied, under the tuition of trustee Jim Taylor. Jim will be overseeing the project and providing help through his many years of experience along the way.
The car itself will be of similar design to a Lotus '7' and has been purchased by us as a completed space frame chassis and then will be fully assembled with all the relevant components, many of which will have been modified or overhauled as part of the process.
The eventual aim will be to use the car to compete in a number of selected Sprint and Hill climb events in the local area, this will allow us to gain experience of running a competition car and allow further analysis into the setup and maintenance of said car.
There has now been a Gantt chart produced to provide approximate timings for each of the steps to be completed towards building the car. In terms of organisation, we will try to stick to these timings as closely as possible to maintain the progress of the group to a satisfactory level. However, there may be factors out of our control which may make it necessary to review of the order in which the steps are taken.
In terms of personnel, the group will be starting out with three key members, who are:
Christopher Faulkner
Christopher Goddard
David Joy
In addition to these members, there will be help available from the students who will be studying on level 2 of the ‘Motor sports engineering management’ programme. These students will primarily be having a ‘labour’ role within the project, carrying out tasks which the three key members see as appropriate.
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